
Is Your WebsiteAny Good?

Get feedback on your website in seconds. Improve your messaging. 
And make sure your dream customers fall in love with your business.


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You've Launched Your New Website. Great!
But HowWill Customers React?
TestMyWebsite.AI Gives You Instant Feedback On YourWebsite – Through The Eyes Of Your Dream Customers!
  • tmw-image-test-website-benefit-0

    Is Your Website Clear & Relevant?

    Get feedback on the clarity and relevance of your value proposition.

  • tmw-image-test-website-benefit-1

    How Compelling Is Your Offer?

    How well do you set your business apart?

  • tmw-image-test-website-benefit-2

    How Strong Is Your Copywriting?

    Get feedback on how to improve your messaging.

TestMyWebsite runs your website through tried-and-tested Marketing frameworks and practices and provides actionable improvement tips.
Test Your WebsiteIn 1 Minute.

TestMyWebsite Is Your Virtual Marketing Advisor. Get instant feedback for any website - B2C, B2B, Service Businesses - no matter the industry. Your first test is completely free! Test your...

  • ...Homepage

    Understand the first impression you make on your customers.

  • ...Landing Page   image-twm-small-logoComing soon

    Improve the success of your marketing activities.

  • ...Ad Campaign   image-twm-small-logoComing soon

    Get better results for your budget.

  • ...Website Design   image-twm-small-logoComing soon

    Improve your look & feel.

Get Customer Feedback

Before Ever ShowingYour Website To Your Customers.

The best way to test your website is by showing it to actual customers. 
But before you spend time, money, and effort on doing just that - let our AI take a look and give you concrete improvement ideas.


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What does the website test report tell you?

Clarity & Relevance

The clarity score reflects how easy it is for your target audience to understand your website’s message. A higher score indicates that your content is straightforward and accessible. To improve clarity, ensure your messaging is concise, avoid jargon, and highlight key points with bullet points or headings. The relevance score measures how well your content meets the needs and interests of your target audience. A high relevance score indicates that your website provides valuable and pertinent information. To increase relevance, focus on including content that directly addresses your audience’s pain points and interests.

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